More site work ahead.

Winter is typically a time I spend inside working on the computer and this site is part of that work.
For the past three seasons I have been outside. Continuing my education in sustainable living, learning about growing, caring for and harvesting my own organic produce. It was and remains hands on work in the dirt. I'm gardening two plots: plot #1is located at a local community garden in the upper Willamette Valley. Plot #2 is a larger plot on a friends farm in the wind swept Columbia River Gorge. A very exciting and busy summer spent working the earth, watching seeds sprout, grow, mature and ultimately get harvested. Often I was out the door before dawn, watching the sunrise over Mt. Hood on my way to pull weeds pulling weeds.
After a summer of body toning physical labor in my gardens I have a great deal more appreciation for our full time farmers and food providers.
I'd thought I had some idea of the work involved growing, not sure I do now, not completely.
Photograph of my cabin studio where I will spend the winter working on inside projects. This website should grow to include more of my photography. I look forward to sharing my present creative work and not just looking back at old studios of the pass.
Be sure, I'll escape my computer work as often as the weather permits. Looking forward to winter walks with exciting photo opportunities along the way.